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MSc Mathematics / Applied Mathematics

Admission Mode: Entrance test / Direct

MSc Mathematics / Applied Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics offers the following Master programmes:

  1. MSc. (Applied Mathematics) – Two-year duration
  2. MSc. (Applied Mathematics) – One-year duration
  3. MSc. (Mathematics) – Two-year duration
  4. MSc. (Mathematics) – One-year duration

Those having three-year undergraduate degree will choose to pursue either 1 or 3 while those with four-year undergraduate degree can choose any of the four programmes. The curriculums of these programmes have been so designed that after the completion of the programmes, the students would be well equipped to go to industries or to join academics. Moreover, the curriculums has been kept dynamic so that the latest trend / demand could be offered to the students.


One-Year Programme

A candidate must have passed B.A./B.Sc. degree in Mathematics/Computer Science/Statistics or related areas under 10+2+4 pattern from a recognized institution or an examination recognized by the University as its equivalent with a minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade)

Mathematics Requirement:

The candidate should have studied mathematics courses worth atleast 40 credits in UG program  (1 credit is equivalent to 1 hour per week in a semester).

Two-Year Programme

A candidate must have passed B.A./B.Sc. degree under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern from a recognized institution or an examination recognized by the University as its equivalent with a minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade)

Mathematics Requirement:

  • At least 2 courses, each of one-year duration, OR
  • 4 courses, each of one-semester duration

Seat Matrix

Total Seats (For 1 Year and 2 Year Program) : 60

India: 30

Remaining SAARC Countries
+ Other Countries: 30

SAU Entrance Test: 15

Direct Mode: 15

Entrance Test: 15

Direct Mode: 15


Note: Vacant seats in one category will be transferred to another category.

Format of the Entrance Test Paper

  • The duration of the Entrance Test will be 2 hours.
  • The question paper will consist of 70 multiple choice questions.
  • There will be no negative marking.
  • Calculators will not be allowed. However, Log Tables may be used.

Syllabus for Entrance Test

Calculus and Analysis: Limit, continuity, uniform continuity and differentiability; Bolzano Weierstrass theorem; mean value theorems; tangents and normal; maxima and minima; theorems of integral calculus; sequences and series of functions; uniform convergence; power series; Riemann sums; Riemann integration; definite and improper integrals; partial derivatives and Leibnitz theorem; total derivatives; Fourier series; functions of several variables; multiple integrals; line; surface and volume integrals; theorems of Green; Stokes and Gauss; curl; divergence and gradient of vectors.

Algebra: Basic theory of matrices and determinants; groups and their elementary properties; subgroups, normal subgroups, cyclic groups, permutation groups; Lagrange's theorem; quotient groups; homomorphism of groups; isomorphism and correspondence theorems; rings; integral domains and fields; ring homomorphism and ideals; vector space, vector subspace, linear independence of vectors, basis and dimension of a vector space.

Differential equations: General and particular solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs); formation of ODE; order, degree and classification of ODEs; integrating factor and linear equations; first order and higher degree linear differential equations with constant coefficients; variation of parameter; equation reducible to linear form; linear and quasi-linear first order partial differential equations (PDEs); Lagrange and Charpits methods for first order PDE; general solutions of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients.

Numerical Analysis: Computer arithmetic; machine computation; bisection, secant; Newton-Raphson and fixed point iteration methods for algebraic and transcendental equations; systems of linear equations: Gauss elimination, LU decomposition, Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Siedal methods, condition number; Finite difference operators; Newton and Lagrange interpolation; least square approximation; numerical differentiation; Trapezoidal and Simpsons integration methods.

Probability and Statistics: Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; conditional probability; independent events; total probability and Baye’s theorem; random variables; expectation, moments generating functions; density and distribution functions, conditional expectation.

Linear Programming: Linear programming problem and its formulation; graphical method, simplex method, artificial starting solution, sensitivity analysis, duality and post-optimality analysis.

For a sample test paper, click here

MSc Mathematics / Applied Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics offers the following Master programmes:

  1. MSc. (Applied Mathematics) – Two-year duration
  2. MSc. (Applied Mathematics) – One-year duration
  3. MSc. (Mathematics) – Two-year duration
  4. MSc. (Mathematics) – One-year duration

Those having three-year undergraduate degree will choose to pursue either 1 or 3 while those with four-year undergraduate degree can choose any of the four programmes. The curriculums of these programmes have been so designed that after the completion of the programmes, the students would be well equipped to go to industries or to join academics. Moreover, the curriculums has been kept dynamic so that the latest trend / demand could be offered to the students.


A candidate must have passed B.A./B.Sc. degree under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern from a recognized institution or an examination recognized by the University as its equivalent with a minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade)

Mathematics Requirement:

  • At least 2 courses, each of one-year duration, OR
  • 4 courses, each of one-semester duration

Seat Matrix

Total Seats (For 1 Year and 2 Year Program) : 30

India: 15

Remaining SAARC Countries
+ Other Countries: 15

SAU Entrance Test: 8

Direct Mode: 7

Entrance Test: 8

Direct Mode: 7

Format of the Entrance Test Paper

  • The duration of the Entrance Test will be 2 hours.
  • The question paper will consist of 70 multiple choice questions.
  • There will be no negative marking.
  • Calculators will not be allowed. However, Log Tables may be used.

Syllabus for Entrance Test

Calculus and Analysis: Limit, continuity, uniform continuity and differentiability; Bolzano Weierstrass theorem; mean value theorems; tangents and normal; maxima and minima; theorems of integral calculus; sequences and series of functions; uniform convergence; power series; Riemann sums; Riemann integration; definite and improper integrals; partial derivatives and Leibnitz theorem; total derivatives; Fourier series; functions of several variables; multiple integrals; line; surface and volume integrals; theorems of Green; Stokes and Gauss; curl; divergence and gradient of vectors.

Algebra: Basic theory of matrices and determinants; groups and their elementary properties; subgroups, normal subgroups, cyclic groups, permutation groups; Lagrange's theorem; quotient groups; homomorphism of groups; isomorphism and correspondence theorems; rings; integral domains and fields; ring homomorphism and ideals; vector space, vector subspace, linear independence of vectors, basis and dimension of a vector space.

Differential equations: General and particular solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs); formation of ODE; order, degree and classification of ODEs; integrating factor and linear equations; first order and higher degree linear differential equations with constant coefficients; variation of parameter; equation reducible to linear form; linear and quasi-linear first order partial differential equations (PDEs); Lagrange and Charpits methods for first order PDE; general solutions of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients.

Numerical Analysis: Computer arithmetic; machine computation; bisection, secant; Newton-Raphson and fixed point iteration methods for algebraic and transcendental equations; systems of linear equations: Gauss elimination, LU decomposition, Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Siedal methods, condition number; Finite difference operators; Newton and Lagrange interpolation; least square approximation; numerical differentiation; Trapezoidal and Simpsons integration methods.

Probability and Statistics: Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; conditional probability; independent events; total probability and Baye’s theorem; random variables; expectation, moments generating functions; density and distribution functions, conditional expectation.

Linear Programming: Linear programming problem and its formulation; graphical method, simplex method, artificial starting solution, sensitivity analysis, duality and post-optimality analysis.

For a sample test paper, click here

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